When it comes to an unexpected pregnancy, everyone you tell likely has an opinion about what you should do. It is wise to seek guidance from those you respect; however, it can be overwhelming to hear so many differing opinions. Remember that no matter what anyone thinks, this is your choice to make.
Alternatives offers information and education about each of your options so you can make the best choice for you.
When pregnancy wasn’t part of the plan, many women consider abortion. What are the different procedure types? How much will it cost? Are there any long-term side effects? Will abortion make it feel like the pregnancy never happened? These are all important questions to ask and have answered. Alternatives can provide you with abortion information, as well as all the steps you should take prior to scheduling a procedure.
Have questions about what choosing adoption would be like? The staff at Alternatives Pregnancy Center can offer you answers and support as you consider this option. If this is what you choose, we will walk with you every step of the way.
Would you be interested in parenting your child? Those who experience unexpected pregnancy often question their ability to parent, but the truth is that you have the potential to be a wonderful parent. Alternatives Pregnancy Center will connect you with information and resources to help you be the very best parent possible to your child.
Alternatives Pregnancy Center offers women and men free and confidential resources regarding unexpected pregnancy, so they can make positive choices for their pregnancies and their lives. Schedule an appointment with us today for free and confidential care.